Taxon Species
Sampling Region Sampling Country
Sampling Location Name
Sampling Latitude from to (-90° to 90°, ddd°mm′ss.nn″ or ddd.nnnnnn)
Sampling Longitude from to (-180° to 540°, ddd°mm′ss.nn″ or ddd.nnnnnn)
Sampling Date from / / to / / (yyyy/mm/dd)
Wild or Domestic
Tissue Type
External organLiverMuscleBloodRespiratory organ
Adipose tissueDigestive organDigestive organ contents, ExcrementHeartKidney
Sex organGlandOtherMilkBrain
Urinary organSkinWhole bodyBoneEgg, Embryo, Fetus
707 organisms matched
 TaxonSpeciesUnivCodeSample NumberSampling RegionSampling CountrySampling Location Latitude LongitudeSampling DateWild DomesticSexAgeGrowth StageBody LengthCarapace LengthBody WeightRemarksTissuePublication
Cetacean & Sea Cows Tucuxi (Estuarine Dolphin) EW00240 170 South America Brazil Sao Paulo and Parana State 24°45′9.15″S 47°5′29.42″W - 22°34′14.92″S 44°32′21.62″W 1997/06/19 Male 1 year Immature 142 cm Tissue
Bird Northern Goshawk EB01629 Asia Japan Shiobara, Tochigi 36°49′39″N 139°44′11″E - 37°9′30″N 140°9′5″E 1997/06/18 Tissue
Arthropoda Caprella danilevskii Unknown Unknown 1997/06/01 - 1997/06/30 Tissue
Seal & Sea Otter Steller Sea Lion T97007 Asia Japan Off Rausu, Hokkaido, Japan 43°58′12″N 145°14′57″E - 44°1′60″N 145°18′44″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Female Tissue
Bird Dunlin EB06096 11 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Dunlin EB06097 12 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Dunlin EB06098 13 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Dunlin EB06099 14 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Dunlin EB06100 15 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Dunlin EB06101 16 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Dunlin EB06102 17 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Dunlin EB06103 18 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Dunlin EB06104 19 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Dunlin EB06105 20 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Dunlin EB06106 21 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Dunlin EB06107 22 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Dunlin EB06108 23 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Dunlin EB06109 24 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Mongolian Plover (Short-billed) EB05318 01 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Mongolian Plover (Short-billed) EB05319 02 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Redshank EB00072 01 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Redshank EB00073 03 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Redshank EB00074 04 Asia Viet Nam Vietnam 8°16′26.83″N 102°4′49.56″E - 23°41′13.97″N 109°17′35.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Arthropoda Black Tiger Prawn EF05668 A-9 Asia Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 5°23′41.03″N 79°29′43.49″E - 9°54′30.25″N 82°15′40.69″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Fish Yellowfin Seabream EF01035 A-6 Asia Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 5°23′41.03″N 79°29′43.49″E - 9°54′30.25″N 82°15′40.69″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Golden Eagle EB00518 97-05 Asia Japan Fukui 35°42′21.26″N 135°56′52.23″E - 36°19′10.3″N 136°48′22.7″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 from the Society for Research of the Golden Eagle, Asked by the Environmental Agency Tissue
Mollusca Giant Pacific Oyster (Japanese Oyster) EF03341 H-7' Asia Japan Hiroshima Bay, Hiroshima 34°7′14.01″N 132°13′50.39″E - 34°13′50.49″N 132°26′3.49″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Tissue
Bird Golden Eagle EB00517 97-04 Asia Japan Nagano 36°32′57″N 138°3′16″E - 36°43′2″N 138°17′4″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 from the Society for Research of the Golden Eagle, Asked by the Environmental Agency Tissue
Seal & Sea Otter Largha Seal ES00717 G97023 Asia Japan Off Rausu, Hokkaido, Japan 43°58′12″N 145°14′57″E - 44°1′60″N 145°18′44″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Wild Male 39145 year 143 cm Age? Tissue
Seal & Sea Otter Largha Seal ES00718 G97024 Asia Japan Off Rausu, Hokkaido, Japan 43°58′12″N 145°14′57″E - 44°1′60″N 145°18′44″E 1997/01/01 - 1997/12/31 Wild Male 39116 year 133 cm Age? Tissue
es-BANK Contact Information
Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University
2-5 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama 790-8577, Japan
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