6 tissues matched
Tissue TypeTissue NameRemoved TissueBox NumberSample NumberWeight of RemainRemarksOrganismPublication ListMeasurement List
Muscle Pectoral muscle 02-335 H22-029 167 g Organism EB07595
Liver Liver 02-335 H22-029 0.8 g Organism EB07595
Kidney Kidney 02-335 H22-029 2.4 g Organism EB07595
Blood Blood 02-335 H22-029 2.9 g Organism EB07595
Blood Blood (Abdominal cavity) 02-335 H22-029 0.2 g Organism EB07595
Whole body Carcass 02-335 H22-029 29.9 g with Stomach contents Organism EB07595
es-BANK Contact Information
Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University
2-5 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama 790-8577, Japan
Tel&Fax: +81-89-927-8133 E-mail:

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