Taxon Species
Sampling Region Sampling Country
Sampling Location Name
Sampling Latitude from to (-90° to 90°, ddd°mm′ss.nn″ or ddd.nnnnnn)
Sampling Longitude from to (-180° to 540°, ddd°mm′ss.nn″ or ddd.nnnnnn)
Sampling Date from / / to / / (yyyy/mm/dd)
Wild or Domestic
Tissue Type
External organLiverMuscleBloodRespiratory organ
Adipose tissueDigestive organDigestive organ contents, ExcrementHeartKidney
Sex organGlandOtherMilkBrain
Urinary organSkinWhole bodyBoneEgg, Embryo, Fetus
196 organisms matched
 TaxonSpeciesUnivCodeSample NumberSampling RegionSampling CountrySampling Location Latitude LongitudeSampling DateWild DomesticSexAgeGrowth StageBody LengthCarapace LengthBody WeightRemarksTissuePublication
Bird Scaly Thrush (White's Thrush) EB11824 20220104 Asia Japan Komo, Ikata, Ehime 2022/01/04 Wild 157.6 g from Ehime, Wild Bird Society of Japan Tissue
Bird Water Cock EB09387 TZ2015B01 Asia Japan Nakanohama, Ikata, Ehime 33°28′41″N 132°22′4″E 2015/06/10 Wild Male Adult 300.8 g from Tobe Zoo, protected on 20150605, Both legs fracture, died on 20150610 Tissue
Bird European Sparrow Hawk EB07786 20120319 Asia Japan Oh-e, Ikata, Ehime 2012/03/19 Wild Female Adult 39 cm 280 g died by collision to lightweight truck Tissue
Cetacean & Sea Cows Striped Dolphin EW05474 121201-7 Asia Japan Takaura, Ikata, Ehime 33°22′50.7″N 132°7′12.1″E 2012/03/12 Wild Male 231 cm 108.6 kg from Ikata Town Office Tissue
Bird Ural Owl EB07591 20110603 Asia Japan Kucho, Ikata, Ehime 33°28′56.3″N 132°18′58.8″E 2011/06/03 Wild Adult 45 cm 741.5 g from Machimi-kyodokan, Ikata, Ehime, Wingspan 86cm Tissue
Reptile & Amphibian Green Turtle ER00626 20101125 Asia Japan Mitsukue, Ikata, Ehime 33°27′39.48″N 132°14′51.06″E 2010/11/25 Wild Male 88 cm 82.2 kg Curved carapace length 94cm Tissue
Terrestrial Mammal Domestic Cat ET00840 5 Asia Japan Mitsukue, Ikata, Ehime 33°27′20.95″N 132°14′39.74″E 2008/11/26 Wild Male Adult 76 cm 5470 g Traffic accident, Stomach contents: Fish, Sweet potato? Tissue
Cetacean & Sea Cows Finless Porpoise EW05285 081007Iyo Asia Japan Mitsukue, Ikata, Ehime 33°27′43.5″N 132°14′53″E 2008/10/07 Wild Male 150 cm from Mr. Takahito Yamamoto, Ishizuchi Fureai-no-sato, Conspicuous putrefaction, without caudal fin Tissue
Fish Banded Houndshark EF07674 07-I-01-D Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2007/04/13 Female 120 cm 8.49 kg TL120 Tissue
Fish Banded Houndshark EF07675 07-I-01-D-F Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2007/04/13 Tissue
Fish Spotless Smooth-hound EF08234 06-I-14-S Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/11/01 - 2006/11/30 Female 68 cm 2.26 kg TL83 BL68 Tissue
Fish Spotless Smooth-hound EF08235 06-I-14-S-P Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/11/01 - 2006/11/30 Tissue
Fish Spotless Smooth-hound EF08261 06-11-01-1 Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/11/01 Female 60 cm 1.2 kg TL74 BL60 Tissue
Fish Spotless Smooth-hound EF08262 06-11-01-2 Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/11/01 Female 63 cm 1.4 kg TL76 BL63 Tissue
Fish Spotless Smooth-hound EF08263 06-11-01-2-P Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/11/01 Tissue
Fish Spotless Smooth-hound EF08264 06-11-01-3 Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/11/01 Female 72 cm 2.2 kg TL87 BL72 Tissue
Fish Spotless Smooth-hound EF08265 06-11-01-3-P Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/11/01 Tissue
Fish Spotless Smooth-hound EF08266 06-11-01-4 Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/11/01 Female 67 cm 1.7 kg TL83 BL67 Tissue
Fish Spotless Smooth-hound EF08267 06-11-01-4-P Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/11/01 Tissue
Fish Spotless Smooth-hound EF08259 06-10-27-1 Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/10/27 Female 67 cm 1.85 kg TL84 BL67 Tissue
Fish Spotless Smooth-hound EF08260 06-10-27-2 Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/10/27 Female 57 cm 1 kg TL71 BL57 Tissue
Fish Spotless Smooth-hound EF08236 06-I-16-S Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/10/01 - 2006/10/31 Male 51 cm 0.81 kg TL64 BL51 Tissue
Fish Spotless Smooth-hound EF08237 06-I-21-S Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/10/01 - 2006/10/31 Female 63 cm 1.22 kg TL78 BL63 Tissue
Fish Spotless Smooth-hound EF08238 06-I-21-S-P Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/10/01 - 2006/10/31 Tissue
Fish Starspotted Smooth-hound EF08276 06-I-15-H Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/10/01 - 2006/10/31 Male 60 cm 1.35 kg TL74 BL60 Tissue
Fish Starspotted Smooth-hound EF08277 06-I-17-H Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/10/01 - 2006/10/31 Male 50 cm 0.92 kg TL63 BL50 Tissue
Fish Starspotted Smooth-hound EF08278 06-I-18-H Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/10/01 - 2006/10/31 Female 67 cm 1.8 kg TL82 BL67 Tissue
Fish Starspotted Smooth-hound EF08279 06-I-18-H-P Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/10/01 - 2006/10/31 Tissue
Fish Starspotted Smooth-hound EF08280 06-I-19-H Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/10/01 - 2006/10/31 Male 59 cm 1.25 kg TL71 BL59 Tissue
Fish Starspotted Smooth-hound EF08281 06-I-20-H Asia Japan Ikata, Ehime 33°19′44.22″N 131°58′28.7″E - 33°30′20.7″N 132°22′6.07″E 2006/10/01 - 2006/10/31 Male 42 cm 0.51 kg TL52 BL42 Tissue
es-BANK Contact Information
Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University
2-5 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama 790-8577, Japan
Tel&Fax: +81-89-927-8133 E-mail:

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